About Us

The advent of the internet has brought about a wealth of resources to people interested in almost any field imaginable. Unfortunately, as someone who maintains and repairs drawbridges, I found very few places where I could ask questions or learn new information relevant to my industry. What I was looking for was drawbridge related news, articles, resources and links of interest.


Drawbridge Specific was born out of that frustration. With a smattering of basic  information and data, we offer weekly links to industry related websites, highlights of drawbridges in the news, and blog posts on wide ranging topics all relevant to the world of drawbridges. 


Stop by often to check out the topics, read a new story and discover a new link. Always feel free to post a comment or ask a question. And if you want to share an interesting story that may inform or warn other drawbridge owners/workers/interested parties about something to try or something to be aware of, please contact us and let us know. We would welcome working with you to post a guest article.


New! Ask A Question Section

Have a question about drawbridge maintenance, repair or just a general question concerning drawbridges? Send your questions to: questions@drawbridgespecific.com and I’ll give you the best answer I’ve got and post them here. Since most of the inquiries we’ve received have been about drawbridges in general, we’ll start with some of these. Check back to see more answers as they post!

Question – Kelly W. asks – Why do drawbridges open during rush hour traffic? The one I cross daily makes me late for work all the time.


Answer – Great question! Each drawbridge in the US has a set and listed schedule that can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations. Specifically CFR Title 33, Chapter I, Subchapter J, Part 117, Subpart B (sounds very governmental, right?) You can actually find the exact schedule requirements for your specific drawbridge listed there but in general terms, the maritime vessel traffic usually has right-of-way.

Before a drawbridge is even built, the owners (usually a state, county or municipality) must apply for permission to interfere with maritime traffic over navigable waters. They generally agree to stipulations that grant waterway traffic the right-of-way in general. Depending on the volume of roadway traffic, concessions are sometimes granted that restrict openings for non-commercial vessels to certain times of the day (i.e. perhaps on the hour) while openings for commercial vessels are widely left unrestricted.

Every bridge is different though. Some bridges do restrict openings for even commercial vessels to certain times but it is more rare than common. Also, conditions do change so a change in restrictions can be petitioned for if the impact of bridge openings has become too severe. Generally your drawbridge owner would need to petition the Coast Guard for these changes, so that is where you should start your efforts. Good luck!


Old English Drawbridge

History Of Drawbridges

Some basic background information to get you started.

Types Of Drawbridges

Sign with children on a see-saw

The Principles Of A Drawbridge

Most drawbridges today operate on the exact same principles as the ones from 100 years ago.

Drawbridges In The News

Newspaper boxes

Every week we highlight a news story featuring a notable drawbridge incident. While some of these are fairly old, they all illustrate the incredible things that can happen at any time and hopefully provide a warning we can heed or a lesson we can learn.

Many questions when drawbridges are to be replaced

This story shows that beyond the normal questions involved when replacement of a drawbridge is contemplated, sometimes issues arise that many would never even consider. Such as whether to turn the old bridge into a historic pedestrian park, for example.

Drawbridge Related Links

This week's link of interest

Galco is an amazing source for many things drawbridge related. I have used them for resolvers, encoders and VFD keypads just to name a few things. They also provide repair services for many control cards. Check them out for yourself.

Blog Posts

Screenshot of WordPress Add New Post Display

Every week we try to post a drawbridge related blog post, article or story. To see past postings, visit our Blog Archive. And as always, feel free to contact us for questions or comments.

BridgeTender Software

Vessel logs are hard to take, hard to read and hard to store. Bring your log taking into the 21st century with the new BridgeTender software. Store information in a searchable database and take advantage of real time notifications of bridge openings via Twitter!

Screenshot of BridgeTender Software